Employee Engagement Stats: It's all in the numbers

Employee engagement statistics highlight the impact of disengagement not only on employee morale, but also on productivity and company culture…

Employee engagement statistics play a significant role when it comes to understanding and managing a frontline workforce. Metrics have become increasingly recognised as invaluable when benchmarking a business against where it needs to be. As the adage goes, “Knowledge is power,” and this holds particularly true when it comes to comprehending the dynamics of emlpoyees and the broader trends that influence the people who contribute to an enterprise.

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancements, shifting demographics, and evolving workplace norms, an understanding of statistics not only empowers decision-makers but also fosters an environment of informed strategic planning and effective resource allocation. By delving into the statistical realm of workforce analysis, organizations gain valuable insights into employee behaviour, engagement, and needs, enabling them to adapt proactively to changing circumstances and secure a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of work.

In this vein, this article shares important workforce statistics from reliable industry experts and explores the overarching trends that leave an indelible impact on the individuals who drive organizational success.

18 Employee Engagement Statistics to Know

  1. 82% of the global workforce is made up of frontline employees
  2. 7% of frontline workers have quit their jobs since 2022 to focus on gig work, contract roles, and starting their own businesses
  3. 23% of employees are engaged at work – the highest level in recorded history
  4. 77% of employees are disengaged
  5. 17% of employees are actively disengaged at work
  6. 70% of frontline workers say that having access to tech makes a difference in how they communicate.
  7. 96% of frontline workers said communication is important, and technology improves their access to company comms
  8. 41% of frontline workers quit because they don’t feel that they can develop or advance their careers. Engaging with employees can identify and prevent this from being a future issue.
  9. 76% of employees shared that they are more likely to stay with a company when training is offered
  10. 60% of employees say their companies don’t offer them a way to provide feedback to the business
  11. 33% of employees looking for new jobs are doing so in search of a better workplace culture
  12. 82% of workers have faced challenges when it comes to internal communications
  13. 8.1 trillion euros is the global cost of quiet quitting
  14. 71% of business leaders think that employee engagement is vital to the success of any organisation
  15. 505 billion euros is the annual cost of disengaged employees each year
  16. 16% of employers are using technology to measure employee engagement
  17. 85% of leaders say employee engagement is a priority, but only a third of organisations actually make it one.
  18. 35% of leaders said that focusing on employee engagement was a distraction from getting the real work done.

YET, various reports over the years have shown that there is indeed a strong link between employee engagement, productivity and profitability. In fact, earlier this year, Gallup has released further research that confirms the undeniable relationship between employee engagement and a selection of business performance indicators that include:

  • customer loyalty/engagement
  • profitability
  • productivity
  • turnover (for high-turnover and low-turnover organizations)
  • safety incidents
  • shrinkage (theft)
  • absenteeism
  • patient safety incidents
  • quality (defects)
  • wellbeing (net thriving employees)
  • organizational citizenship (participation)

It’s a Matter of Connection

Wyzetalk provides a vehicle for organisations to drive frontline employee engagement. Providing the tools the empower employees and enable them to develop a connection with their leaders, managers, peers and the organisation as whole is a win-win. A connected workforce is better engaged, and from the numbers it’s clear to see there is a direct correlation between employee engagement and employee productivity.

Wyzetalk’s employee engagement platform gives organisations the capability to reach their entire frontline workforce, wherever they are. The various platform plans offer organisations, of varying sizes, a range of solutions to suit their needs.

Based on our own experience, we have put some stats of our own together.

  • 700,000 active users of the Wyzetalk employee engagement platform who receive important company updates ranging from leadership messages to life-saving health & safety information, keeping them connected and providing a sense of being seen, heard and valued.
  • 40 million sessions, engaging frontline employees, per month via Wyzetalk’s employee engagement solution
  • 1784 employee surveys creates and shared, giving frontline workers the opportunity to provide invaluable feedback
  • 13.3 million employee survey responses, a clear indication that frontline workers have input and insights to offer, and when given the opportunity to engage with the business, they do.
  • 64 million SMSs sent sharing vital information to widely dispersed frontline employees
  • 21 million notifications were shared via the Wyzetalk employee engagement platform, ensuring everyone is kept in the loop
  • 150,000 euros is the amount of money our clients saved on paper and printing costs by digitising certain business processes using Wyzetalk’s employee engaegment solution.
  • 219 billion litres of water and 7300 trees saved as a result of fewer paper-based processes
  • 110 million is the number of times a frontline employee has clicked on a piece of content featured via the Wyzetalk platform

The Employee Engagement Statistics Don’t Lie

In the realm of modern business management, the critical importance of employee engagement statistics cannot be overstated, particularly in the context of frontline workers. As organisations increasingly recognise the pivotal role that engaged employees play in driving productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, the need to make informed decisions based on concrete data becomes evident. Employee engagement statistics provide a window into the hearts and minds of frontline workers, shedding light on their levels of satisfaction, motivation, and alignment with the company’s mission.

By understanding the nuanced trends within engagement statistics, organisations can tailor strategies that resonate with their frontline workforce, fostering a culture of empowerment, loyalty, and collaboration. Informed decisions about training, recognition programs, workload distribution, and communication strategies can all be significantly enhanced by a deep comprehension of the data generated by engagement metrics.

Furthermore, recognising the unique challenges that frontline workers face – from direct customer interactions to operational pressures – underscores the necessity of accurate statistical insights. These insights offer a pathway to improve working conditions, reduce turnover, and enhance overall job satisfaction. Ultimately, well-informed decisions grounded in employee engagement statistics can create a positive ripple effect throughout the organization, translating into improved customer experiences, increased profitability, and sustainable growth.

Key Takeaways

In a landscape where organizations compete not only for customers but also for top talent, those that prioritise, and leverage employee engagement statistics will undoubtedly stand out as employers of choice. As we move forward into an era characterised by a rapidly evolving work environment, embracing the power of statistics to guide decisions for frontline workers is not just a strategic advantage – it’s a fundamental imperative for building thriving, resilient, and successful enterprises.

To get more key insights to inform your employee engagement strategy, talk to an expert.