Our Employee Experience Management Solution.

Wyzetalk’s employee experience solution helps you achieve your business goals by giving you a better understanding of the link between employee experiences and operational performance. Through our various feedback channels, you can quickly and easily source data on what makes employees tick and what you need to do to achieve better organisational alignment, whether that’s across the organisation or for specific target groups.

  • Feedback Surveys

    The Challenge

    Increasing levels of employee engagement can have a major, positive impact on business performance. In turn, how different employees experience the workplace can affect levels of engagement significantly. The ability to effectively mine data regarding the employee experience is critical to long-term business success.

    The Solution

    Wyzetalk’s survey solution enables you to quickly and easily connect with employees in the palm of their hand to collect different types of employee data. We can work with you to craft surveys targeted at the whole organisation or targeted at specific employee segments. Thereafter, you can quickly and easily view real-time survey results using our analytics dashboards. Our advisory teams can also help you surface key trends and areas of concern as well as advise on the range of corrective actions you can take. Thereafter, using our pulse survey solution, you can continue to monitor progress over time, zeroing in on a particular issue or employee segment.

    The Impact

    • Enhanced ability to source data from all employees.
    • Better understanding of employee experience trends.
    • Improved ability to manage employee experiences.
  • Advanced Analytics

    The Challenge

    Whilst understanding the employee experience is key to improving business performance, it is only part of the puzzle. In order to have a complete view, you need to be able to see how different employee experiences impact levels of operational performance.

    The Solution

    Using Wyzetalk’s API integration capabilities, you can pull key operational data into the platform in order to compare that data to employee experience survey results, either for the whole organisation or for targeted function, business unit or employee segment. By tracking these two types of data side-by-side, you will be able to see the impact of it on operational performance over time and thus be better empowered to take the appropriate action to improve business results.

    The Impact

    • Better understanding of the links between employee experiences and operational performance.
    • Increased ability to choose the corrective actions most likely to result in improvements in operational metrics.

Key Features.

  • Employee Feedback Channels

    • Annual surveys on employee experience, employee engagement or culture
    • Pulse surveys
    • General feedback surveys to increase employee engagement levels
  • Wyzetalk Analytics

    • Survey data on the employee experience
    • Operational dashboards
    • Trends analysis allowing for the easy implementation of corrective measures where necessary
    digital employee experience solution analytics dashboard

Our Experts.

  • Merel
    van der Lei

    CEO; CPO

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Future of Work

    Expert in Empathic leadership

    Expert in Employee Experience Management

    Expert in Mobile Technologies

    Let's Connect
  • Leon
    Janse van Rensburg

    Head of Implementations

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Digitisation and Systems Integrations

    Let's Connect

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