Our Solution.

Overcome the confines of physical training rooms by providing learning on the go. Programmes can be completed anywhere, anytime, and results made visible.

  • Induction Training

    The Challenge

    Having the ability to onboard new employees quickly and effectively is critical to ensuring that these employees become productive as quickly as possible.

    The Solution

    With Wyzetalk’s onboarding solution, new employees can receive pre- and post-start date induction training digitally on their mobile phone based on predefined schedules. They can also take an assessment after each training module and if they do not achieve the minimum required score, they can be redirected to retake the test until the minimum score is achieved. These induction training results can then be work-flowed to the relevant manager so that they can track how new employees are getting up to speed.

    The Impact

    • Increased ability to induct new employees quickly and easily even before they start work.
    • Enhanced ability to track new employee induction progress.
    • Decrease in new employee ramp-up time.
  • Micro-Learning

    The Challenge

    The development of employees is not only critical to ongoing business success, it is key to making employees feel valued and enhancing their sense of belonging. Hence, being able to provide employees with easy access to learning and track learning progress across the business is key.

    The Solution

    Wyzetalk’s micro-learning solution beats the confines of physical training programmes by providing learning on-the-go. Learning journeys can be structured for different employee groups with employees being able to view their learning calendars and receive notifications of new training or completion deadlines. Multi-media modules can be completed anytime, anywhere and tests can be structured as free text or multiple choice with the option for employees to receive immediate feedback on each answer as they go. Managers are also able to track the progress of their employees and get dashboard reports on activity and results at different employee levels.

    The Impact

    • The learning system results in improved ability for employees to access learning quickly and easily.
    • Greater ability for employees to manage their own learning journeys.
    • Enhanced ability to track and manage learning centrally across the organisation or within specific levels or business units.
  • Employee Wellness

    The Challenge

    Poor levels of employee wellness, either in terms of physical and mental health or the debilitating impact of high levels of stress due to financial hardship, can have a significant negative effect on an employee’s performance and personal development. This potential impact can be mitigated through support programmes that teach employees how to engage in self-care.

    The Solution

    Wyzetalk’s wellness solution ensures that wellness support is just a click away when employees need it most. Employees can access information relating to physical, mental and financial wellness as well as tips on how to improve their own level of wellness. They can also receive clinic contact centre details as well as a customised monthly clinic calendar linked to notifications to remind them about key appointments.

    The Impact

    • Employees have easy and speedy access to wellness support when they most need it.
    • Employees are empowered to take steps to improve their own levels of wellness.
    • Enhanced ability of managers to track employee adherence to wellness regimes.

Key Features.

  • Micro-Learning

    • Modules segmented to certain learners based on HR data
    • Free text and multiple-choice assessments
    • Scoring available per assessment and basic reporting
    • Ability to give feedback on learning modules
    • Video, podcasts and images can be uploaded
    • Track progress and report on all activity at different levels
    • Learners are alerted of new training or completion deadlines
    • Ability to view training calendars
    digital learning and empoyee surveys
  • Onboarding

    • Quick and easy onboarding schedule management
    • Pre- and post-start date induction training
    • Training assessments
    • Easy access to results for the manager and employee
  • Wellness

    • Health and wellness information
    • Parenting tips
    • Finance tips to promote financial wellness and security
    • Easy access to the clinic monthly calendar to book appointments
    • Clinic contact centre support when employees need it most
    • Other critical numbers

Our Experts.

  • Merel
    van der Lei

    CEO; CPO

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Future of Work

    Expert in Empathic leadership

    Expert in Employee Experience Management

    Expert in Mobile Technologies

    Let's Connect
  • Leon
    Janse van Rensburg

    Head of Implementations

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Digitisation and Systems Integrations

    Let's Connect

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