Our Solution.

A well-managed, empowered and informed workforce is a productive workforce. Wyzetalk’s employee productivity solution enables you to issue, track and manage team tasks, keep all employees up-to-date on their performance targets and help them track their progress against target. It also puts the power in employees' hands by incentivising them to do better, aligning individual goals to business goals.

  • Task Management

    The Challenge

    Being able to manage day-to-day team tasks quickly and effectively can often be challenge, particularly when those teams are dispersed across different sites.

    The Solution

    Wyzetalk’s workstream solution enables team leaders to set up customised team groups, issue instructions to group members regarding the execution of specific tasks including requesting them to provide proof of completion by uploading a picture of other types of documentation.  It has the ability track how many team members have completed each task and how many are still outstanding.

    The Impact

    • Improved ability to manage and track team tasks.
    • Enhancements in team productivity over time.
  • Production Dashboards

    The Challenge

    Increasing labour productivity is central to improvements in business performance. One of the important ways to do this is to ensure that employees always know what is expected of them and are empowered to manage their own performance in relation to those expectations.

    The Solution

    With Wyzetalk’s productivity solution, employees receive up-to-date information on the key metrics their team, site or unit is supposed to achieve at their fingertips so they are never in the dark about what they should be aiming for. In instances where literacy is poor, different colour codes can be used to make it easier for employees to understand.

    Employees can also access to the latest production dashboards so they can track their own team’s performance whilst easy to read leader-boards enable them to compare their team’s performance against that of other teams, units or the whole organisation.

    The Impact

    • Increased ability to ensure that all employees know what is expected of them at all times.
    • Employees are more empowered to take charge of their own productivity levels.
  • Reward & Recognition

    The Challenge

    Improvement in labour productivity is most likely to arise when employees are encouraged to take ownership of their own performance. Therefore, putting in place effective reward and recognition programmes to drive ownership and behavioural change is key. 

    The Solution

    Wyzetalk’s employee reward and recognition solution enables managers and/or employees to recognise a team member or a peer easily and timeously. Such recognition can also be linked to different types of rewards such as recognition badges, airtime, data or digital retail vouchers. In order to drive specific improvements in behaviour faster, employees can also be given access to real-time recognition leader-boards as a means of promoting healthy competition.

    The Impact

    • Individual employees and teams have a greater sense of ownership of productivity targets.
    • Improvements in productivity over time.

Key Features.

  • Collaboration Tools

    • Create customisable groups
    • Share important updates with members of each of the groups individually
    • Receive and respond to messages in an instant
    • Upload photos with ease
    • Upload proof of task completion with ease
    • View the status of tasks in real-time
    • Share feedback regarding the progress of tasks
    productivity solution for employee engagement
  • Production Dashboards

    • Share production dashboards so employees can take ownership of achieving their targets.
    • View key metrics pertaining to the workers at each site, using colour codes where literacy is poor.
    Productivity solution phone screen
  • Reward and Recognition

    • Recognise a team member for outstanding performance
    • Real-time recognition leaderboards displayed for all employees
    • Individual recognition badges enhancing gamification features
    • Airtime and data rewards for excellent achievements
    • Digital retail vouchers to reward employees for performance excellence
    Rewards and recognition employee experience

Our Experts.

  • Merel
    van der Lei

    CEO; CPO

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Future of Work

    Expert in Empathic leadership

    Expert in Employee Experience Management

    Expert in Mobile Technologies

    Let's Connect
  • Leon
    Janse van Rensburg

    Head of Implementations

    Let's Connect

    Expert in Digitisation and Systems Integrations

    Let's Connect

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